Spring is a time of renewal. So it’s natural to feel the urge to tidy up. Don’t forget to do a spring cleanup of your family photos! Having your best photos always available (and easy to find) in one universal library that’s on all your devices … feels so good. It’s possible with Mylio Photos: Here’s our checklist to inspire you to start clearing your digital photo clutter:
- Clean up the obvious junk
- Get rid of duplicates
- Save only the best shot from photo bursts
Clean up the obvious junk
Start by going through your most recent photos. This could be your smartphone’s camera roll or photos stored on your tablet or computer. Work in chunks of time, going further back if needed.
What to look for:
- Blurry photos
- Accidental snapshots
- Screenshots
- Photos of products you thought about buying
- Pictures of your car to remind you where you parked
- Anything else that jumps out as no longer necessary
As you browse photos, delete the ones you don’t need. If you’re not 100% sure about a pic, move it to a “rejects” album. Come back later and delete all unwanted photos at once.

Do it faster in Mylio Photos: Using our QuickReview tool on your mobile device, browse your photo library, swiping left to flag photos as rejects, or right to flag as picks. You can review the rejects before deleting.
Get rid of duplicates
There are a few ways to remove duplicate photos, depending on how you manage your photos. This simplest (but most time-consuming) is to browse your library and manually delete extra photos that are exact matches. You can also use a deduplication app.
Do it faster in Mylio Photos: The built-in Photo DeDupe tool quickly scans your library, identifies exact duplicates, and shows you file details so you can decide which to keep and which to delete, or hide from view.

Save the best shot from photo bursts. (And delete the rest.)
Depending on how you manage your photos, there are different ways to identify sets of similar photos, then decide if you want to keep them all, or just one or two.
Do it faster in Mylio Photos: Our Photo DeClutter tool identifies and shows you similar photos in your library, typically shot in burst mode. You can customize the way the tool works, then review sets to delete, or move unwanted photos.

You can learn more about Mylio Photos and sign up for a free trial here.
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Angela is fine art photographer, a photography coach, and Mylio’s amazing product evangelist. She loves helping others organize, edit, and protect their photos.